We address the needs

Regular research and audits of satisfaction and quality of customer service, the Agent Academy, the PZU Lab Research and Development Center, customer service in Polish Sign Language and the new IT system called the Everest Platform are only some of the PZU initiatives to fulfil expectations, preserve the highest quality of customer service and nurture the best possible relations with stakeholders.

For over 200 years, PZU Group has done its best to meet expectations and keep its customer services at the highest level. We respects all principles included in Code of Good Insurance Practices introduced by the Polish Chamber of Insurance.

Client relations

In order to ensure safety and guarantee top quality cooperation to our clients and other interested parties, PZU is constantly analyzing data from all available communication channels and other information sources. The conclusions drawn from such analyses allow us to constantly improve our business processes and relations with our clients.

The tools used by PZU to analyze the clients’ needs and expectations are for example the following:

  • client satisfaction surveys – PZU and PZU Życie hold regular and advanced surveys concerning customer satisfaction and loyalty. 

    The PZU Group conducts satisfaction surveys in every process and sales channel. As a result, it is capable of understanding the market even better.
    The PZU Group conducts satisfaction surveys in every process and sales channel. As a result, it is capable of understanding the market even better. PZU Group organizes satisfaction surveys during every process and in every sales channel.  That helps us to gain even better understanding of the market. The surveys were carried out among over 50 thousand participants and their results allowed not only to better determine the clients’ needs, but also indicate organizational strengths and identify areas for improvement and change. The 2015 surveys showed that the satisfaction level among PZU clients who benefited from claims handling process managed by PZU Group or received payment of benefits within the last 12 months was 7 p.p. higher than at the competitors. The Net Promoter Score (NPS) among the Group clients was 11%1. Among Link4 clients, NPS amounted to 10% and was by 3 p.p. higher than at the competitors’ at the direct market2;
  • customer service quality survey – PZU regularly examines the quality of customer service in PZU branches and through the agents and partners of PZU. Conclusions from these observations are used to prepare training programs in customer service, including trainings for the agents and partners, in order to ensure constant improvement of the service qualityi;
  • Client Council – an exceptional advisory body composed of PZU Group customers. The Council actively supports and provides feedback to PZU in selected initiatives, concerning, among others, service quality, ways of communication with clients, service processes, marketing materials, social actions;
  • social media and clients’ complaints – PZU contacts all interested parties e.g. via expert blogs or social media, such as Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin or Instagram. Such platforms enable better communication with diversified audience and thus allow for a better identification of space for improvement. On the other hand, using modern communication channels strengthens the image of PZU as a customer-friendly and contemporary company which welcomes comments and discussion with interested parties;
  • client communication quality audits – audits of spoken and written language used by PZU employees in communication with clients, carried out by the Plain Polish Section of the University of Wrocław, became the basis for a number of initiatives and training programs (addressed to all employees of PZU) aimed at simplifying communication;
  • data mining models – advanced analytics supported by practical business know-how of experts allowed for development of models which effectively find information in data warehouses. Data mining models directly support all marketing and sales processes.

When providing our clients with best possible access to PZU Group’s services, at the same time we take efforts to support local communities. Most PZU branches are located in towns with less than 15 thousand of inhabitants and significantly contribute to the growth of the towns and their communities. Striving for high accessibility of its products and services, PZU – as the first insurer in Poland – introduced customer service in Polish Sign Language in some of its branches.

The service is provided in collaboration with Migam.org and facilitates a video connection with the translator via tablets. The service has been introduced to eight selected branches of the company. The solution implemented by PZU will allow for a better and more comfortable service of the deaf and hard of hearing.

Everest platform – the next step toward perfect relations with the clients

By implementing the new IT system, PZU Group is providing the sales team with knowledge allowing for better and faster understanding of the clients’ needs in order to prepare comprehensive offers. More information is available in Sales and service channels.

Relations with service providers

PZU also strongly focuses on establishing good relations with its service providers and vendors. In particular, the Group focuses on ensuring best possible cooperation with agents, providing them with support programs, training (e.g. Akademia Agenta [Agent’s Academy]) and a new internal communication portal within the network of the Group’s agents. Candidates for agents are trained as well. On the other hand, PZU expects its suppliers, vendors and agents to respect all valid regulations pertaining to their scope of operations and clearly communicates this expectation to all its partners.

Information security in PZU Group and in relations with stakeholders

PZU takes utmost care of the security of the data entrusted by the clients and other stakeholders, as well as the information it processes. In scope of its activity, PZU Group strictly obeys the personal information protection act, specifically the regulation permitting data processing only if approved by its owner. As a data administrator, the Group strictly controls the type of personal data that are introduced, time of their introduction, as well as persons responsible for introducing and processing them. The agents, partners, and other vendors must obey the same top standards as PZU and do everything in their power to protect the interests of their clients – especially in scope of processing their data in accordance with the law, gathering the data for specific purposes, and preventing further processing for other purposes.

1 Monthly survey carried out by GFK Polonia at the request of PZU. Presented data constitute an accumulated result of monthly assessments from January to December 2015

2 Monthly survey carried out by GFK Polonia at the request of PZU. Presented data constitute an accumulated result of monthly assessments from January to December 2015