PZU attaches very great weight to identifying and strengthening the motivation of its employees and thereby to raising the value of the work they do and achieving the highest level of efficiency. PZU takes part in multiple initiatives engaging employees in volunteerism and supporting local social organizations.
A motivating work environment
An interesting environment must be created in which people are interested in the history they are creating - Carlos Goshn. CEO Renault/Nissan.
PZU does everything in its power to create a working environment which assists in finding and strengthening the motivation of its employees, what raises the value of their work, and in reaching top effectiveness in the interest of the clients, stakeholders, and the entire environment of the Organization. PZU sees an effective and motivated staff as the most important element of realizing strategic objectives. Consistent strengthening of intellectual and social capital by developing the talents of the Group’s employees is directly reflected in the main effectiveness indexes and is one of the key conditions to guarantee future growth of the company’s value.
Equal opportunity policy
According to good practices, all PZU’s employees have equal opportunities. This rule serves as the foundation for our relations. It involves all processes – from recruitment, through evaluation of results, promotions, professional development, to attendance in training courses. Our employees have equal opportunities and potential – their gender, age, proficiency, religious beliefs, political opinions, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, and form of employment are insignificant.
PZU Group also does everything in its power to create a convenient environment for the handicapped. Everyone can take advantage of internal training courses and opportunities for career development. The recruitment process includes consideration of all applications which meet the expectations and requirements pertaining to knowledge, ability, and skills.
Enforcement of these rules allows for clear association of effectiveness with raises, the developmental offer, and promotions, and has also provided the managers with tools to manage employee motivation. What is equally important, all employees take active part in assessment, have the opportunity to share their opinions with their superiors, and take responsibility for their individual development.
Personal and professional development
Initiatives focused on personal development and increased job satisfaction strengthen employee motivation and establish a foundation for the Group’s market success. Many programs were launched over the course of 2015 in scope of personal and professional support for employees to assist the development of their skills in required areas. Examples of such initiatives include the PLUS program and the Manager 2.0, Leader 2.0, and SmartUp programs for managers. More information in Human resources management.
Employee involvement
The findings of recent PZU Group employee engagement research have demonstrated that 91% of the employees are satisfied and very satisfied with their jobs. Since it started this research, the level of employee satisfaction and employee engagement have risen steadily.
A committed employee of PZU is a person who thinks about the goals of their actions, their consequences for the company and its clients, and ways to cooperate with others in order to build an even more successful business. The results of recent surveys on commitment among PZU Group’s employees have shown that 91% of them are satisfied with their jobs. From the start of the surveys, the employee satisfaction and commitment have been successively rising. In the survey the employees graded their working conditions, procedural transparency, and relations with superiors. To ensure that the process is transparent, the survey results were announced to all employees. Based on the results, the employees and their supervisors came up with numerous ideas on how to turn PZU into an even friendlier workplace engaging all of the Group’s employees. One of the initiatives was the establishment of the Sport Team. Today, there are 11 active Sport Team units: running, cycling, skiing, squash, volleyball, crossfit, soccer, sailing, basketball, table tennis, triathlon. The units are composed of almost 800 PZU employees. The PZU Sport Team is regularly among the leaders in amateur tournaments and events, both open and organized only for employees of corporations. For example, PZU’s runners placed second in the PZU Warsaw Marathon (for the fastest company).
Volunteers among employees
PZU Group encourages its employees to perform active volunteer work and support their local communities and organizations. Volunteering helps build permanent and long-lasting relations, which have positive effect on all of the Group’s structures.
In 2015, PZU’s employees took part in numerous Employee Volunteer projects. 27 different projects were launched in the spring and 29 in the fall in scope of the „Wolontariat to radość działania” [Volunteering is the joy of action] campaign alone. PZU’s employees have contributed over 10 thousand hours of their time in volunteer initiatives.
The most important volunteer projects included the following:
- Wolontariat to radość działania [Volunteering is the joy of action] – a contest for PZU’s employees and agents. The main prize in the contest was a PLN 5 thousand grant for a chosen noble cause;
- „Lekcja z Prezesem” − Koalicja Prezesi – Wolontariusze [„Class with the Chairman” – Chairmen–Volunteers Coalition – volunteer work to raise competences, where the members of the boards of our Group meet with students at their schools, share their experiences, and motivate them to develop their passions;
- Zwolnieni z teorii [Exempt from theory – the first contest in Poland where the students demonstrate not their school knowledge, but their practical skills. They do not compete in tests and essays, but in social projects;
- Szlachetna paczka [Noble package] – The PZU Foundation has served as the strategic partner of Szlachetna paczka [Noble package] since 2013. The organizations came together for the concept of smart assistance, which offers immediate help, but also systemic solutions based on long-term activity and long-lasting effects. In 2015, 76 PZU leaders gathered 2537 individuals, who prepared assistance for 82 families at the approximate value of PLN 160,000.

Rules of ethics
PZU’s effective ethics are an inseparable part of the Group’s operations and the foundation for its sustainable development. The company is doing everything in its power to have them reflected in all activities of the Group’s employees. On one hand, the Rules are contained in the official documents such as the PZU Good Practices and the New Security Policy. On the other, they compose the foundation for Values, which the Group’s employees follow in all of their actions. The Rules are:
- wisdom;
- simplicity;
- imagination.